GDPR compliance to ensure data security

Navigating Data Protection Compliance with OTYS
The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on May 25, 2018, marked a significant shift from the previous data protection laws. GDPR replaces older legislation and emphasizes the roles of 'data controllers' and 'data processors' over the previous 'responsible party' and 'processor' terminology. This new regulation brings substantial changes, primarily centered around enhancing individuals' rights and increasing recruiters’ responsibilities in safeguarding data privacy.

Both the prior legislation and GDPR are well understood by OTYS. Our clients have successfully operated within this legal framework. As an ATS, OTYS Go! needs to be fully compliant with GDPR legislation and OTYS as a company is committed to making it possible for OTYS customers to work within the GDPR mandate without complex integrations and configurations.

Understanding GDPR and its implications
In the broader context, GDPR compliance is essential, especially in industries like recruitment. GDPR defines several lawful bases for processing personal data, including:

  • Consent: Obtaining clear, transparent, and voluntary consent.
  • Contractual Obligations: Processing necessary for fulfilling a contract.
  • Legal Obligations: Compliance with legal requirements, such as sharing data with tax authorities.
  • Vital Interests: Data processing is required to protect someone's life.
  • Public Task: Processing for official governmental functions.
  • Legitimate Interests: When the data controller has a legitimate interest, with some exceptions.

These conditions determine the lawful grounds for processing data and influence the data retention period, which can be automated within OTYS based on your settings.

Automated compliance with OTYS
To streamline GDPR compliance within your organization, specific settings need to be configured or activated. These settings enable the automated management of data retention, including the scheduling of deletion dates and sending customizable emails with relevant information. Corresponding templates are available within the system.

Additional information on OTYS compliancy:

  • Data Retention Management: Retention periods depend on the conditions that define lawful data processing. OTYS provides flexibility in configuring these periods to align with your specific needs.
  • Security Measures: GDPR mandates that organizations implement suitable technical and organizational measures to protect data. OTYS ensures security through various means, including encryption, access controls, and regular audits.
  • Data Transfers: OTYS stores data within the EU and maintains agreements with sub-processors to ensure data protection.
  • Data Breach Reporting: In the event of a data breach, OTYS has a well-defined protocol for reporting to relevant authorities and stakeholders.
  • Responsibilities: While OTYS offers tools and features to facilitate GDPR compliance, the responsibility for setting data retention periods and compliance settings rests with the organization. OTYS acts as a data processor based on these configurations. Organizations using different retention periods or GDPR/AVG settings must take responsibility accordingly.

In conclusion, while we've developed widgets, reporting capabilities, and automated solutions to simplify GDPR compliance, this guide provides a general overview. For comprehensive details and specific obligations, we recommend referring to the relevant data protection authorities or legal counsel.

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Thomas van Schaik Manager Customer Success

Online Job Presentation

With OTYS Online Job Presentation, recruiters can easily connect with candidates who match specific queries.

Present an opportunity to your candidates

This tool sends emails and WhatsApp messages containing a link to a customized job presentation. This page includes detailed vacancy information, images, and videos, all infused with your company's brand identity. It's a powerful way to engage candidates and showcase opportunities effectively. Candidates can indicate if they wish to apply or not and can even refer the vacancy to a friend or relative.

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Thomas van Schaik Manager Customer Success

Hubspot CMS

As more clients opt for the HubSpot CMS platform, OTYS introduces a dedicated connector for seamless integration with OTYS Go! Web development experts at, known for building HubSpot websites, have also crafted an integration between OTYS and HubSpot.

Seamless workflow integration

This collaboration ensures a smooth workflow—publish a job in Go! and watch it appear on your HubSpot CMS website instantly.

OTYS-HubSpot synergy

The OTYS-HubSpot synergy simplifies job management, offering features like search, vacancy publication, application forms with OTYS question sets, and customizable email notifications.

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Thomas van Schaik Manager Customer Success


In the world of recruitment technology, security and access control are essential. OTYS ABAC, or Attribute Based Access Control, empowers organizations to fine-tune access privileges based on user roles and types, offering heightened control and security.


Enhanced control with OTYS ABAC
When dealing with personal data, security and control access are vital. OTYS ABAC (Attribute Based Access Control) allows you to define permissions based upon 'attributes' (like office location, department and job title). This not only increases security and control, but also makes user management much easier.

See what is relevant for you
A recruiter normally has other needs than a marketeer. Therfore OTYS ABAC also allows you to customize the OTYS experience further based upon these attributes, for example specific dashboards, views & filters per department so that users see what is relevant for them.

Protecting sensitive information
Safeguarding sensitive candidate, vacancy, placement and customer data is essential for recruimtent. OTYS ABAC can make sure that information is only available for the users that should have access to that information. This preserves data integrity and privacy. You clients can trust that their data is protected.

Integrate with your central user management
If you want to, you can even integrate OTYS ABAC with your central user management (for example Azure). This way if you create a new Azure / Office 365 account, a new OTYS account is automatically created with (based upon for example office location, department and job title) the correct permissions and a tailored experience.

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Thomas van Schaik Manager Customer Success

OTYS Procedures

Revolutionize Recruitment with OTYS Procedures, Integrations, and Assessments

Unlocking comprehensive candidate assessment

As a recruiter, you recognize the importance of making informed decisions when evaluating candidates. OTYS Procedures offers options that allowing you to customize your assessment process to align perfectly with your company's unique requirements.

Seamless integration for enhanced assessment

Furthermore, OTYS Procedures provides the flexibility to seamlessly integrate additional tools into your assessment workflow. These tools can validate candidate data and documents, ensuring that essential information and credentials are both collected and verified as part of the assessment process.

Elevating the recruitment experience

Through the synergy of OTYS Procedures, OTYS Forms, OTYS Automations, and the incorporation of external assessment tools such as TMA, Drillster, and The Selectionlab, you can elevate critical phases of your recruitment and selection process.

Transparently outlines

This approach empowers you to make objective, data-driven decisions about each candidate, while also maintaining a detailed record that transparently outlines the rationale for their progression or rejection within the procedure.

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Thomas van Schaik Manager Customer Success

OTYS Jobtargeting

Explore the game-changing capabilities of OTYS Jobtargeting! With the assistance of OTYS GPT, create carefully customized job ads for specific subtarget groups.

Harness the precision of OTYS JobTargeting

These listings are customized based on crucial factors such as experience levels or the distinction between full-time and part-time positions. OTYS Jobtargeting empowers you to effortlessly translate and publish these listings through OTYS vacancy versioning, streamlining your recruitment process to a whole new level.

Real-world precision, real results

Experience firsthand the power of precise jobtargeting with concrete, real-world examples at your fingertips. OTYS Jobtargeting equips you with the tools to enhance your recruitment efforts, ensuring that your joblistings resonate effectively with the most relevant candidates, ultimately leading to more successful placements and a more efficient recruitment process.

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Thomas van Schaik Manager Customer Success

Indeed Interview

Seamlessly integrate video chat tools into your recruitment process. This integration enhances the interview experience and provides recruiters with powerful capabilities to streamline their assessments.

Enhancing candidate interviews with Indeed Interview in OTYS

With Indeed Interview, you can take your candidate evaluations to the next level. During the conversation, you have the unique advantage of projecting the candidate's CV directly onto the screen. 

Empowering recruiters and candidates

This real-time display empowers both recruiters and candidates by ensuring that the discussion remains focused on the candidate's qualifications and experiences.

The power of real-time CV projection

This innovative feature not only simplifies the interview process but also adds a layer of professionalism and efficiency to your recruitment efforts. It's a testament to OTYS's commitment to enhancing the recruitment experience through cutting-edge technology and seamless integration.

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Thomas van Schaik Manager Customer Success

MS Teams Integration

Enhance video interviews and streamline your process for a better candidate experience.

Seamless Microsoft Teams integration

At OTYS, we value innovation and client collaboration. Our latest breakthrough is the integration of OTYS with Microsoft Teams, designed to enhance the recruitment process. This feature enables the display of candidate data directly within Teams, fostering a streamlined experience.

Enhanced video interviews

With this integration, you can access candidate CVs, take notes, plan workflow steps, and utilize OTYS interaction forms during video interviews – all within the MS Teams screen. This seamless experience allows you to maintain eye contact with candidates without the need for paper or a second screen.

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Thomas van Schaik Manager Customer Success

Billing & Accountancy

In OTYS Go! automated billing requests can be effortlessly sent to customers through connectors by Solid Online or XA Flow. 

Streamlined financial management

In the field of recruitment, financial management is key. OTYS simplifies bookkeeping by seamlessly integrating with accounting tools like Afas, Exact Online, and Twinfields. This integration ensures that financial data flows effortlessly, reducing manual data entry and minimizing errors.

Seamless communication

OTYS goes a step further by sending emails directly to accountants, providing all relevant invoice details and data for recordkeeping. This efficient communication streamlines the financial process, ensuring that invoices are processed accurately and on time.

Candidate expense management

OTYS also caters to candidate expense management. It allows for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by candidates and the billing of these expenses to customers. This feature ensures transparency and efficiency in managing candidate-related expenses, further enhancing the financial aspects of recruitment.

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In the ever-evolving field of recruitment, success hinges on effective communication. Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a game-changer in this arena, revolutionizing the way recruiters interact with candidates and clients.

Powerful tools

These powerful tools empower recruiters to craft compelling job descriptions, respond to emails, and generate personalized introductions and recommendations for candidates. They even facilitate the creation of tailored interview questions, aligning seamlessly with preferred methodologies like STAR or CRIPS.

Scaling up, staying personal: The LLM Advantage

One remarkable application of LLMs is their integration with OTYS Jobtargeting. This synergy enables recruiters to effortlessly generate job post versions tailored to specific target groups, maximizing outreach and engagement. It's a marriage of efficiency and personalization, allowing recruiters to work at scale while maintaining a deeply personal touch in their interactions with both candidates and clients.

Efficiency meets excellence: LLM-Powered Recruitment

In an industry where every word matters, LLMs are the trigger for effective, efficient, and empathetic communication. They empower recruiters to navigate the comlex world of recruitment with finesse, delivering fast results and forging lasting connections in the process. As recruitment continues to evolve, LLMs stand as the driving force behind its transformation into a more communicative and personalized profession.

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Phone & Whatsapp

In the world of recruitment, success hinges on efficient communication and effective management. OTYS understands the ins and outs of this industry, and our phone solution is here to empower recruiters and managers alike.

Recruiters, picture this: streamlined communication

Imagine having the ability to identify incoming calls and initiate calls right from your system with ease. OTYS has forged integrations with phone systems, in collaboration with our partner RedCactus, offering you an array of choices. Moreover, we provide a seamless direct integration with Aircall, ensuring that you have all the tools at your disposal.

Track interactions with precision

Keeping track of candidate and client interactions is essential, and OTYS phone systems enables you to do just that. You can effortlessly verify whether a candidate or client has been contacted, not only by your colleagues but by yourself as well.

Direct WhatsApp Conversations from OTYS

With OTYS on the Go!, you can seamlessly initiate WhatsApp conversations using Joboti, both one-on-one and with multiple candidates simultaneously, directly from the platform. This seamless integration makes the hiring process more efficient than ever before.

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Actonomy Profiler

Introducing Actonomy Profiler, seamlessly integrated into OTYS Go! This clever software recognizes inactive candidates and refreshes their profiles using data from multiple external sources. It compiles all data into one comprehensive profile within yourown OTYS Go!

Elevate your recruitment with Actonomy Profiler in OTYS Go!

Reactivate forgotten candidates, enhance matches by 50%, and leverage 30% more skills for precise matching. The result? More successful placements, higher candidate re-engagement, and a superior recruitment experience. Don't miss out on the talent you already have especially now recruitmarketing is getting more and more expensive – power up your recruitment with Actonomy Profiler in OTYS Go!

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