Recruitment Marketing

Discover how our OTYS has connected multiple Marketing Automation Tools to elevate your sourcing and candidate re-activation processes.

Powerful Marketing Automation to your pool of candidates

OTYS is integrated with marketing automation tools such as Hubspot, Mailchimp, Active Campaign and has partnered with service providers such as, and Talentir. From attracting new candidates via campaigns to keeping your database of Talents updated with news, articles, activities, and new jobs it is possible with OTYS and an integrated Marketing Automation tool. 

Key features of OTYS and Marketing Automation

The integration of OTYS and our trusted Marketing Automation partners and integrations is straightforward, requiring no coding skills on your part. The possibilities are limitless, from automating customer engagement and reactivation to ensuring your CRM database is always up-to-date.

Experience the future of Marketing Automation with OTYS