



Pinterest is used by 159 million people worldwide. This social media channel continues to grow in monthly users and makes it an interesting channel to find your audience. The focus of the campaigns is brand awareness and/or website traffic. The majority of users are female with the age between 25-54 years.
Duration: 21 days

Int. Facebook + Instagram Premium

Int. Facebook + Instagram Premium

Facebook and Instagram are the two largest social media channels in the world. Advertising through these channels enables you to reach the latent jobseekers in a highly targeted way via the advanced targeting possibilities. By combining these two platforms, the system ensures that the budget is spent on the most converting platform. In addition, we use dynamic banners in which we continuously test which images and texts converts the best. The vacancy is also placed on our recruitment network pages free of charge.
Duration: 21 days
Int. Facebook + Instagram Premium Plus

Int. Facebook + Instagram Premium Plus

Facebook and Instagram are the two largest social media channels in the world. Advertising through these channels enables you to reach the latent jobseekers in a highly targeted way via the advanced targeting possibilities. By combining these two platforms, the system ensures that the budget is spent on the most converting platform. In addition, we use dynamic banners in which we continuously test which images and texts converts the best. The vacancy is also placed on our recruitment network pages free of charge.

With a Plus+ campaign, the duration is longer and the budget used on advertising is higher. This increases the reach and results.
Duration: 30 days
Facebook + Instagram Premium

Facebook + Instagram Premium

With 10.4 million users on Facebook and 5.6 million users on Instagram, these are two of the largest social media channels in the Netherlands. Advertising through these channels enables you to reach the latent jobseekers in a highly targeted way via the advanced targeting possibilities. By combining these two platforms, the system ensures that the budget is spent on the most converting platform. In addition, we use dynamic banners in which we continuously test which images and texts convert the best. The vacancy is also placed on our recruitment network pages free of charge.
Duration: 21 days

Pinterest is a social media channel used by 3.9 million people in the Netherlands. This social media channel continues to grow in monthly users, making it an interesting channel to use. The focus of the campaigns is on brand awareness and/or website traffic. The majority of users are women between the ages of 20 and 40.
Duration: 21 days
Facebook + Instagram Premium Plus

Facebook + Instagram Premium Plus

With 10.4 million users on Facebook and 5.6 million users on Instagram, these are two of the largest social media channels in the Netherlands. Advertising through these channels enables you to reach the latent jobseekers in a highly targeted way via the advanced targeting possibilities. By combining these two platforms, the system ensures that the budget is spent on the most converting platform. In addition, we use dynamic banners in which we continuously test which images and texts convert the best. The vacancy is also placed on our recruitment network pages free of charge. 

With a Plus+ campaign, the duration is longer and the budget used on advertising is higher. This increases the reach and results.
Duration: 30 days
Twitter Premium Plus

Twitter Premium Plus

Twitter is a social media channel where people can share short text messages. The user base of Twitter consists mainly of people between 20 and 40 years of age. Users use the social media channel mainly to follow current news items, popular television programmes and other current topics. This is easy to follow by using #hashtags.

Reach the right target group by targeting on the basis of interests, geographical location, gender, among others. You can also optimise the relevance of your message by targeting keywords in users' tweets.

Brockmeyer takes care of the entire campaign for you and optimizes it for optimal reach and results. We would like to receive at least your logo. If there are images and / or hashtags that you would like to use additionally we would like to receive them.

Duration: 30 days


The Netherlands has 3 million users on TikTok. The platform only allows (short) video content in which responding to trends and popular music works well. It is one of the fastest growing social media platforms at the moment. The age of the audience is growing along with it, instead of only being popular among millenials and gen-Z.
Duration: 14 days


TikTok has 755 million users worldwide. The platform only allows (short) video content in which responding to trends and popular music works well. It is one of the fastest growing social media platforms at the moment. The age of the audience is growing along with it, instead of only being popular among millenials and gen-Z.
Duration: 14 days Premium Premium

With 430 million users on, this is an important social media channel. Advertising on this channel allows you to reach the latent jobseekers in a very targeted way through the advanced targeting possibilities. Reddit is divided into 850,000 subreddits, these are a kind of groups that revolve around a certain topic, which allows you to target very precisely. 

We would like to receive the logo that may be placed in the image/video. You can provide us with your own image (please use the highest possible revolution) but you can also use the Shutterstock image database. The dimensions for the images are: 1200x628 + 400x300 pixels. We need both formats. 
Duration: 21 days Premium Plus Premium Plus

With 430 million users on, this is an important social media channel. Advertising on this channel allows you to reach the latent jobseekers in a very targeted way through the advanced targeting possibilities. Reddit is divided into 850,000 subreddits, these are a kind of groups that revolve around a certain topic, which allows you to target very precisely. 

We would like to receive the logo that may be placed in the image/video. You can provide us with your own image (please use the highest possible revolution) but you can also use the Shutterstock image database. The dimensions for the images are: 1200x628 + 400x300 pixels. We need both formats. 
Duration: 30 days

Research shows that images make more of an impression than text. The advantage of a video reach campaign on Youtube is that you can offer your products or services to a large audience in a very short time. The art of a Youtube video ad is that it is catchy enough to make people curious. Video reach campaigns are optimised for reach targets, you focus on awareness and unique reach (and not so much on interaction).

Want to use your own material in your YouTube campaign? Send an email to with:

- 2 to 3 photos without text and logo (at least 2 MB) and a separate logo (in EPS). Note: please upload the images separately, so not in a joint .pdf or .doc file.

- Landing page to be used in the video advertisement.

No own material? Then we will look for suitable stock photos to accompany the video campaign.

Duration: 21 days


The Netherlands has 3 million users on TikTok. The platform only allows (short) video content in which responding to trends and popular music works well. It is one of the fastest growing social media platforms at the moment. The age of the audience is growing along with it, instead of only being popular among millenials and gen-Z.
Duration: 30 days


TikTok has 755 million users worldwide. The platform only allows (short) video content in which responding to trends and popular music works well. It is one of the fastest growing social media platforms at the moment. The age of the audience is growing along with it, instead of only being popular among millenials and gen-Z.
Duration: 30 days
Twitter Premium

Twitter Premium

Twitter is a social media channel where people can share short text messages. The user base of Twitter consists mainly of people between 20 and 40 years of age. Users use the social media channel mainly to follow current news items, popular television programmes and other current topics. This is easy to follow by using #hashtags.

Reach the right target group by targeting on the basis of interests, geographical location, gender, among others. You can also optimise the relevance of your message by targeting keywords in users' tweets.

Brockmeyer takes care of the entire campaign for you and optimizes it for optimal reach and results. We would like to receive at least your logo. If there are images and / or hashtags that you would like to use additionally we would like to receive them.

Duration: 21 days

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