Search, Match & Talentpools

Are you making the most out of your database?

Can you easily find that one candidate who would be a perfect fit for that new job opening?

Learn how to optimize your search in your own OTYS database during the Search & Match training! Your accumulated database contains a wealth of talents. The trick lies in finding that perfect candidate, and that's exactly what we'll help you with in this training!

  • If a keyword appears anywhere in a profile, you'll now be able to find that candidate.
  • Evaluate your search results with Hunt & Select. Avoid duplication of work; even if you modify the search, OTYS remembers that you've already viewed the candidate.
  • Learn smart ways to spot talent in your own database, even with fields that may not seem obvious.
  • Create Talentpools to keep track of talents more effectively.
  • The training is interactive and requires personal input.
  • You'll attend the training with colleagues within your own database. The training is tailored to a mix of our expertise and your own workflow.
  • You'll put the theory into practice immediately. If you encounter any issues, you can ask questions right away.
  • You'll receive reference materials and visuals to support you if you decide to continue searching in OTYS Go! after the training.

Who is this Search, Match & Talentpools training for?

This training is suitable for any recruiter or sourcer who wants to get more out of their own database. You'll learn practically where and how to find talent in OTYS Go!. Search, Match & Talentpools are offered as organization-specific training. This way, we can partially customize the training to the specific way you use OTYS.

09:45 – 10:00 Reception
10:00 – 12:00 Training Part I
12:00 – 12:45 Shared Lunch
12:45 – 15:00 Training Part II
15:00 End of Training

This training will take place at the MySolution office:
De Bouw 149 3991 SZ, Houten

Training on location can also be arranged upon request.

The price for this training is €1200, based on 3 to 8 participants.
Lunch will be provided.

For this training, we ask you to bring your own laptop.

Here’s how it works:

Leave your details.
An OTYS consultant will contact you to schedule the sessions.
For each optimization, two sessions of 2.5 hours will be scheduled.
During the sessions, we will provide advice and show examples from our Best Practices.
Let’s get started!