Recruitment Logistics United more organized after optimization OTYS Go!

When the capabilities of the recruitment software are not well utilized at Logistics United, director Onno Schreur opts for a short and powerful optimization process: OTYS Go! Boost. That changes things. “OTYS Go! now supports us much better in personal contact, ensures that we can switch quickly with relations and candidates and not lose sight of them.”

'A group of enthusiastic and passionate go-getters who have made careers in shipping, transport and logistics' - this is how Logistics United describes itself. Onno Schreur and his fellow recruiters have two feet in the industry. “We all come from the market, speak the language of customers and candidates and share the passion for logistics. When we see another ocean-going vessel coming in, our hearts make a jump. When we come, you start to grow as a person and/or company.

Personal approach

Recruitment is also a tough business here in the Randstad, there is a lot of competition between agencies and everyone is dealing with the tightness in the labor market. This is precisely why you have to distinguish yourself in quality, Onno knows. “With us you won't find quick, slick guys who push resumes through. Our recruiters are all no-nonsense types who work really hard, who have a lot of substantive knowledge, visit the clients a lot, think along with them and do everything they can for a really good match. They know the culture and vision of the client and the candidate has to fit in with that. It is also very common with us that a candidate first spends a day with us before starting. So that the candidate and the employer can actually make a conscious choice”.

OTYS Go! now supports us much better in personal contact, ensures that we can move quickly with clients and candidates and not lose sight of them.

Onno Schreur
Recruiter Logistiek & Sales bij Logistics United

Going for a OTYS Go! Boost

As a startup back in 2020, Logistics United chose OTYS' recruitment software. Initially, Onno Schreur was not very enthusiastic. “In the beginning, I didn't have a lot of time to delve into the system. We didn't use it very well and therefore didn't really see its advantages.”

OTYS clients who have been working with the recruitment software for some time get a call from Customer Success Manager Ozan Karademir or one of his CSM colleagues after a while. How satisfied are they? How is OTYS currently being used by clients? Do they have any requests? In the latter case, OTYS can offer an optimization process: OTYS Go! Boost (watch frame).

The phone call was the impetus for the optimization process at Logistics United. There was an immediate connection and Onno Schreur changed from a critic to a super-enthusiastic client during the introductory session at the OTYS office in Houten. It was Nouscha Donkervoort, consultant at OTYS, who showed him in a demo how an optimally designed dashboard can support the recruiter in his or her work. Nouscha: “You could see Onno's enthusiasm growing. After seeing everything he said 'yes, I want all of that! Can we start tomorrow?'”

You could see Onno's enthusiasm growing. After seeing everything, he said 'yes, I want all that! Can we start tomorrow?

Nouscha Donkervoort
Manager Consultancy bij OTYS

“Think of OTYS Go! Boost but as an APK for your OTYS environment,” says Ozan. It's a quick way to identify pain points, make immediate adjustments and realize quick wins.

Quick results with the Boost trajectory

The entire Boost process at Logistics United took only three to four months from start to finish. “It was therefore one of the better optimization projects.” But not unique according to Ozan: “Clients obviously have to weigh up for themselves whether they want to go for OTYS Go! Boost, but once they say 'yes,' the optimization process goes so smoothly in nine out of ten cases. These are often things that we can fix quickly and that produce immediate results.”

Consequently, Onno Schreur certainly has no regrets about the “Boost. “The time investment of six times two hours is not too bad and was more than worth it.” According to him, the fact that it was successful is also due to fine cooperation. “Ozan listens very well and pushes right through to realize our wishes. That is very nice. And Nouscha and I also understand each other very well. At OTYS they make sure the client is really satisfied.”

That a match in culture is crucial was also evident during this project, Ozan states. “It was a nice project because we always think along with our clients and adjust the pace of project implementation together. That click is important; after all, that's what recruitment is always about.”

Making better use of OTYS Go!

An OTYS Go! Boost trajectory starts with a meeting in which together with the client an analysis and inventory is made of the current situation and the desired improvements. This results in a report with optimization proposals, including quick wins and investment in hours/planning.

The aim, of course, is for recruiters to actually make good use of the capabilities of OTYS Go! so that the recruitment system takes a lot of work out of their hands and reduces red tape. In addition, the system should provide insight and overview. You want every recruiter in the organization to be able to see the status at any time: where is a candidate in the process, who has been introduced where? To which vacancy are there still no or few responses?

When you log in, you want to see that information on your dashboard at a glance. “That's basic functionality within OTYS Go!” says Nouscha, who knows that in practice this doesn't work nearly as well everywhere. The same was true for Logistics United, she recalls. “A lot of information and overviews were stored outside OTYS Go!, they were in Onno's head, on a whiteboard or placed as loose notes on a desk by a colleague. Then, of course, the overview is missing.”

Ozan listens very well and picks up right away to realize our wishes. That is very nice. And Nouscha and I also understand each other very well. At OTYS they make sure the client is really satisfied.

Onno Schreur
Recruiter Logistiek & Sales bij Logistics United

Pragmatic approach in six sessions

It may sound like optimizing Logistics United's use of OTYS Go! was a lot of work, but it's not. Nouscha explains how their pragmatic approach quickly leads to success: in six weekly video sessions of approximately 2 to 2.5 hours, the OTYS consultant goes through the entire system based on his own input and that of the client. For each module it is peeled off which functionalities are/are not used. Irrelevant information is removed, information that you do want to see, clear on your dashboard.

The consultant, in this case Nouscha, makes those changes immediately during the session. As a result, the users see the new, improved view immediately on their screen and can work with it right away. Instant results, in other words. During each session a new issue is tackled and solved and there is an opportunity for feedback on the previous one in order to fine-tune something if necessary. “That works very nicely. It ends up being a nice mix, a little bit of us and a little bit of them.”

Five quick wins

The optimization has indeed delivered what Logistics United hoped for, Schreur says. He lists the 5 most important quick wins:

  1. Greater overview of procedures: the recruiters can immediately see the status; which candidate has had a 1st interview, a 2nd, a rejection or match/placement by recruiter X at client Y, at what fee, date Z invoiced (all information clearly displayed in the placement module)
  2. Better follow-up to clients and candidates; for example, if a candidate is not looking now but will be in two months, the recruiter will get a pop-up on his screen as a reminder at that time
  3. Automatic profiling; by no longer doing intake on separate pieces of paper but directly in the system, the system can automatically create profiles
  4. AI-toepassing bij e-mails naar kandidaten en klanten; voorheen werd hiervoor gebruik gemaakt van ChatGPT, maar uit het systeem komen nu betere teksten
  5. More insight; where are the candidates, where do most vacancies come from, which assignments best suit which candidates? This qualitative (management information) helps in finding an even better match in the tight labor market.

Connection with the customer

OTYS now takes a lot of work off the hands of Logistics United's recruiters. Vacancies that come in are automatically published by the system on job boards and instant matching takes place (with candidates in the database). Only posting job openings on social media such as LinkedIn is still done manually. “It would be nice if we could automate that too,” says Schreur, who has one more wish. “I would like to see an AI robot that can learn about our culture.” Then, he says, the automation would fit even better with Logistics United's style and approach. “Because ultimately it remains human work. Our success lies in our knowledge, experience and in our broad network. OTYS Go! supports us in personal contact, ensures that we can switch quickly with relations and candidates and do not lose sight of them.”

OTYS Go! Boost

Clients who already work with OTYS Go! can choose to optimize the recruitment software within their organization. Such an optimization process is called OTYS Go! Boost. This varies from improving the views on the dashboard in order to gain an even quicker insight and overview of the status of vacancies and candidates, to automatic profiling, follow-up support to automatic email generation, et cetera.

OTYS Go! Boost is a quick way to realize quick wins that cost relatively little investment. This is due to the pragmatic approach. After a quick analysis of the client's current IT environment, desired optimizations are made to measure. Together with the client, OTYS goes through the system remotely (online) in a limited number of sessions and, based on the client's wishes, changes are made on the spot and immediately put into use. Until the client is satisfied and can use the system so optimally.