
Les types (premium) (premium)

DataJobs is a specialized job bank in the Netherlands that focuses on higher educated data specialists. This applies to all types of organizations from small to large in all different branches. Vacancy is placed as "Top" vacancy for 30 days out of 60 days.
Duration: 60 days is an independent and innovative job site specialized in the Belgian ICT market. Every online vacancy will be sent to the candidates who are listed in the CV bank. Price includes handling fee.
Duration: 30 days (premium social plus) (premium social plus)

Greenjobs is the job board for sustainable and impactful jobs for business and government. Every month, Greenjobs has around 9,000 and growing visitors. In addition, Greenjobs is a Certified B Corp! B Corp is a certification for organizations that use their business for a better future. Vacancies on receive an average of 300 unique views and there are almost 4,000 registered candidates in the database. Your vacancy will be mentioned in the newsletter and listed on 4 Social Media channels. Additional sponsorship of the vacancy on socials + SEA Google boost.
Duration: 60 days (Spotlight) (Spotlight)

The job site in combination with The magazine for HR professionals and (bureau) recruiters.
  • is highly valued and for years has been the independent platform for professionals in the field of labour market communication and recruitment.
  • The website is visited monthly by 18,800 unique visitors.
  • Vacancies are included in the newsletter to +4500 readers
Average number of clicks on the vacancy detail page 160
Average number of apply starts: 11.7

Extra attention on the homepage and better display in searches

Duration: 60 days

Mr. is the platform for lawyers. Mr. reports on current affairs in the legal world and highlights and comments on them from an independent position. Mr. focuses on all lawyers and law students active in the Netherlands. attracts around 70,000 unique lawyers every month and the renewed website also has a prominent job board where lawyers can find out about the best opportunities in the market. 
Duration: 30 days (Standard) (Standard)

AcademicTransfer is the career platform for working in science in the Netherlands. For every academic, in every phase of his or her career and in every sector or industry. On AcademicTransfer you will find vacancies from universities, university medical centers, research institutes, colleges and from industry. Job posting includes:
  • Job posting on for 28 days.
  • A targeted email alert.
  • A post on the Twitter channel with 12,000 followers.
  • An employer branding page with brief description of your organization.
  • Posting on Euraxess provided the job is international.
Duration: 28 days (VO/VSO/MBO/HBO & Onderwijsorganisaties) (VO/VSO/MBO/HBO & Onderwijsorganisaties)

Meesterbaan is a job vacancy bank for education. Every day, more than 4000 unique visitors view vacancies and more than 20,000 job seekers are already enrolled in education.
Duration: 30 days is a niche site for an optimal reach within the medical/health care target group. Visit: 150.000 per month/ reach > 3 million per month, an average of 1700 vacancies.
Duration: 60 days is a reliable partner for recruiting high qualified (BSc. MSc. PhD) technical professionals. is an independent technical career board enabling European companies to post vacancies and for applicants to search and apply for these positions throughout Europe.
Duration: 60 days is the job site for Bio, Chemistry, Food and Pharma. offers information about new vacancies, company presentations and labour market news from the sector.
- Job alert 16.000+
- 1,800+ vacancies per year
- On average 500+ views per vacancy
Duration: 60 days + Newsletter + Newsletter

FashionUnited is a B2B platform for the fashion industry. Thanks to experience in the industry over the past 20 years, 80% of the world's top 100 fashion companies have found FashionUnited. FashionUnited has knowledge of the national and international fashion industry. On average 100,000 visitors per month. This product also includes a newsletter which is sent to 250.000 subscribers.
Duration: 30 days

The Dutch Association of Rehabilitation Physicians (VRA) is the national scientific association of rehabilitation physicians. The association has over 900 members. Vacancies for rehabilitation can be placed here. 
Duration: 30 days (Topjob + Newsletter) (Topjob + Newsletter)

Jobmotive has been the platform for all jobs in the automotive industry since 2005. Jobmotive responds to trends and developments in the job market, maintains partnerships with industry associations, training courses and industry experts and thus offers the most complete range of high-quality job vacancies at all levels of the industry. From car technician to marketing manager, from trainee to director, from volunteer to self-employed, from temporary worker to open-ended contract - Jobmotive has already brought tens of thousands of job seekers and job providers together. 
Every day, Automotive Management and Automotive Workshop send out an email newsletter to more than 17,500 professionals with the latest news and backgrounds from the mobility industry. The group of subscribers consists of employees and managers in the mobility sector. For maximum reach, also among latently searching professionals, sending your vacancy with this newsletter is an interesting possibility. Vacancy posting includes:
  • Vacancy is live on for 90 days.
  • Sending to potential candidates with a search agent.
  • Vacancy is allowed with logo and company video.
  • Vacancy is placed in the newsletter Automotive Management and/or Automotive Workshop.
  • Vacancy on the homepage of (40% more traffic)
Duration: 90 days is the job site for Bio, Chemistry, Food and Pharma. offers information about new vacancies, company presentations and labour market news from the sector.
- Job alert 16.000+
- 1,800+ vacancies per year
- On average 500+ views per vacancy
Duration: 60 days + Top ranking + Top ranking is the job site for chemists in the Netherlands. The website is suitable for vacancies at MBO, HBO, WO and Ph.D level. The top vacancy remains at the top of the search results for the entire duration. A Top vacancy also has a striking green framework.
Duration: 60 days

With more than 1.3 million monthly views, Devex is the place to be and be seen by development professionals who are serious about making a difference in the world.
Posting your jobs here immediately expands the reach of your recruitment by connecting you to our community of 850,000+ talented development, health, humanitarian and sustainability professionals ready to contribute to your mission.
Duration: 30 days

CoolJob the job board for the refrigeration industry! CoolJob is the platform that brings employers and job seekers in the refrigeration industry together. The vacancy is placed on external channels (including social media). 
Duration: 90 days + Newsletter + Newsletter sammelt, interpretiert und verbreitet Wissen auf dem weiten Feld der Jugend- und Spielpolitik sowie der Spielmöglichkeiten in den Niederlanden. Website: 6500 Unique Visitors pro Monat; Reichweite Magazin: 11.400
Dauer: 31 Tage

The KNGF is the face of Dutch physiotherapy. The KNGF supports its members in responding to changes in the market, translating trends into the operational management and professional practice (intra- and extramural) and, together with the professional group, monitors the quality and content of the profession.
Duration: 30 days

The professional association for biomedical technologists in health care was primarily founded to promote the interests of biomedical technologists working in health care. Besides promoting the interests of biomedical technologists, the association aims to stimulate cooperation between biomedical technologists and to provide a platform for sharing and gathering knowledge about (the safe and effective application of) medical technology in healthcare. Biomedical Technologists optimise the application of medical technology within their care institutions. By representing the profession as an association in national working groups and partnerships such as Koepel MT, the BMTZ also works on a national level to achieve a safe and effective application of medical technology in the Dutch healthcare sector.
Duration: 60 days

If you need a freelancer for your organisation and are looking for good freelancers, this is the place to be. Every organisation that has a temporary need for a certain expertise can come here. Conditions for posting a vacancy: we need an email address for applications, direct to an external url is not possible. An hourly rate is also required. 
Duration: 30 days (Premium) (Premium) is for professionals with a master's degree (or higher) in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Vorsers post vacancies and PhD positions (in English) from leading organisations around the world that play a crucial role in stimulating innovation and creating a competitive advantage in knowledge economies. Vacancies are posted in English only. Vacancies are shared via the network and on the social channels. Inc. extra exposure on the main page and posting in the newsletter.
Duration: 60 days

The Dutch Orthopaedic Association (NOV) is the scientific association of orthopaedic surgeons in the Netherlands. The NOV facilitates orthopaedics in the field of quality, training, scientific research, professional interests and patient information. NOV has 1450 members.
Duration: 60 days

NVM dental hygienists is the professional organization for dental hygienists in the Netherlands. With more than 3,100 members and more than 45 years of experience as a representative, the NVM takes an indispensable position in oral care. With the vacancy website, the NVM facilitates extra contact with the professional group for dental hygienist and dental employers.
Duration: 42 days is the exclusive Job channel for SAP specialists. Both for users and developers.
Duration: 30 days

Captise spreads the vacancies to more than 20,000 JGZ professionals and more than 30,000 elderly/VVT professionals. Captise uses various platforms and channels, including a fortnightly JGZ newsletter (more than 6,500 subscribers) and a fortnightly VVT newsletter (more than 9,000 subscribers). Captise is responsible for the recruitment and selection of management, staff positions and care professionals in healthcare, welfare, child care and related organisations throughout the Netherlands. 
Duration: 45 days (Premium job) (Premium job)

At Naturecareers you will find the newest food scientist and technologist jobs in both the public and private sectors. Food science jobs at major manufacturers can include engineering or product development. Other careers, particularly in government organizations, include safety and hygiene research, food-related policies or sustainability - roles that are often suitable for microbiologists and biochemists. The career site of has a worldwide reach. Posting is inc. spotlight, highlight, featured and job of the week.
Duration: 60 days

Specialism pays off! Also for speech therapists. We focus on all speech therapists from all sectors. Result: targeted visitors, lots of response. is viewed a lot, more than 20,000 high-quality visitors per month. The highest chance of qualified responses.
Duration: 30 days (PO/SO & Huiswerkinstituten) (PO/SO & Huiswerkinstituten)

Meesterbaan is a job vacancy bank for education. Every day, more than 4000 unique visitors view vacancies and more than 20,000 job seekers are already enrolled in education.
Duration: 30 days is the platform for everything concerning sight and eyes.
Orthoptists work in an ophthalmic outpatient clinic of a hospital or in a private (ophthalmic) practice. Orthoptists also work in an independently established orthoptic practice or in an optician's shop. Another area of work for the orthoptist is youth health care and organisations for the visually impaired. Vacancy is shown for 4 weeks on and includes an e-mail to the members of the NVvO.
Duration: 30 days

The Dutch Association for Neurology (NVN) is the scientific professional association of neurologists and doctors in training as neurologists. The NVN focuses on the quality of care for people with disorders of the nervous system or muscles. The association does this, for example, by developing guidelines, conducting visitations and providing further training. The website consists of an audience and a membership. The public section contains information about neurological disorders and the work of the association. Members can log in to the private part of the website. There they find professional information. Posting vacancies is only possible for members.
Duration: 30 days focuses on medical microbiology and concentrates on integrated diagnostics, consultation, treatment and prevention of infections and infectious diseases. Members of the NVMM are medical specialists (physician microbiologist), medical molecular microbiologists or researchers in the field of medical microbiology.
Duration: 60 days (premium) (premium) is the largest vacancy website for the construction sector in Flanders. It is the place where employees and employers from the construction sector meet on their way to a job.
  • Vacancy is posted online for 60 days
  • Vacancy is distributed via the job alert (+ 150,000 unique CVs)
  • Includes a google boost and facebook boost
Duration: 60 days

FarmaMagazine is a professional magazine (online and offline) for general practitioners and pharmacists. The magazine is published ten times a year and features a mix of editorial articles, advertorials and advertisements. Online, you can visit us 24/7 at (8000+ visitors per month). Here you will find blogs, videos, editorial posts and webinars. FarmaMagazine is distributed to all pharmacists and general practitioners in the Netherlands. The vacancy also appears on the vacancy page in the next edition of the professional journal FarmaMagazine - in print (7,200 readers per edition).
Duration: 60 days is the UK leader in online healthcare and nursing recruitment advertising. We boast the largest database of healthcare professionals including a large pool of nursing vacancies across the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Whether it is agency, NHS or private jobs, you can find all types of healthcare jobs with us.
Duration: 30 days + Nieuwsbrief + Nieuwsbrief

De VO-raad is een vereniging van scholen in het voortgezet onderwijs. De raad behartigt de belangen van het voortgezet onderwijs bij overheid, politiek, bedrijfsleven en maatschappelijke organisaties. De vacature wordt ook geplaatst in de nieuwsbrief met +/- 7000 abonees.
Looptijd: 30 dagen - the top job board for Software Engineers in Switzerland. Trusted by over 600 companies and visited by over 32'000 monthly users.
Their main selling point is transparency & top-notch user experience for Software Developers & IT people. 
Each job is also included in the job newsletter.

A salary indication is mandatory for this channel. This will help you attract candidates even in this difficult sector. This channel is only available for employers located in Switserland.

When you order this product you get:

  • job posting for 60 days
  • refresh to top after 30 days
  • vacancy included in newsletter (5500 subscribers)
  • vacancy included in Google for Jobs

Duration: 60 days + Job of the Week + Job of the Week

FashionUnited is a B2B platform for the fashion industry. Thanks to experience in the industry over the past 20 years, 80% of the world's top 100 fashion companies have found FashionUnited. FashionUnited has knowledge of the national and international fashion industry. On average 100,000 visitors per month. A Job of the Week appears on the home page and reaches both passive and latent jobseekers.
Duration: 30 days + newsletter + newsletter

Event-Jobs is the vacancy bank for the event industry with an overview of vacancies for full-time / part-time jobs and internships. We will also post the vacancy for 1 week on the homepage and once in the EventFlash (newsletter - 37.000 subscribers). 1.000.000 visitors per year.
Duration: 30 days

Advocatenblad is the A title for the legal profession. The Dutch Bar Association (NOvA) promotes the interests of the legal profession. Advocatenblad is the official publication of the NOvA and reaches more than 17,000 registered lawyers in a personal capacity. This can be posted on the website and via a newsletter.
Duration: 30 days

V&VN VS focuses on the professional development and positioning of all nursing specialists. V&VN VS strives to promote and strengthen the position of nursing specialists in the Netherlands. By making an active contribution to the development of the nurse specialist position, the quality of professional practice and public health are promoted.
Duration: 60 days

The website is a French job site in the technical sector. It is also a subsidiary of careerbuilder.
Duration: 30 days + Newsletter + Newsletter

Medical Oncology is the official portal for the Dutch Society of Medical Oncology. Medical Oncology's starting point is to keep its members (internist-oncologists) informed about the latest NVMO news, the latest clinical-scientific developments in the field and about policy, political, economic and social developments related to (medical) oncology. Medical Oncology contributes to the knowledge and opinion formation of the internist-oncologist in these fields.
Duration: 30 days Newsletter Newsletter

The purpose of the VZI, The Association of Hospital Instrumentation Technicians, is to promote contacts between members, to increase and deepen their knowledge. The VZI also promotes the interests of its members. The newsletter of the VZI is sent to 1,200 addresses. Contains:
  • The vacancy is posted on the VZI website.
  • Vacancy is forwarded on, the medical technology platform.
  • Vacancy is included in the VZI newsletter on a monthly basis.
Duration: 60 days

Dutch Rheumatology Association : The Dutch Rheumatology Association (NVR) is a scientific association for persons professionally involved in care, education and research for patients with rheumatic diseases.
Duration: 30 days

The Royal Institute of Engineers (KIVI) is the professional association of engineers and offers the largest engineering network in the Netherlands. More than 20,000 engineers have now discovered the value of this and have become a member of KIVI. Readers have a technical education at college or university level. In their career, they make a conscious choice for content-related work over money and status. They are interested in technology as a professional but also as a private person. The vacancy is posted and displayed by means of tags on articles on This way you reach a large group of latent job seekers. The largest range is in the 20-60 year age category. The website generates 60.000 visitors and 100.000 pageviews per month.
Duration: 60 days + magazine + magazine

C't has been the IT authority for more than 20 years. The target group consists of experienced (professional) computer users, who consult C't for both business and private decisions. The target group consists mainly of men between the age of 18 and 65 years. 

Inc. posting 1/8 page (90x60 mm) in magazine Edition 10x per year in a circulation of 26.000 copies.
Duration: 90 days

C't has been the IT authority for more than 20 years. The target group consists of experienced (professional) computer users, who consult C't for both business and private decisions. The target group consists mainly of men between the age of 18 and 65 years.
Duration: 90 days + Newsletter + Newsletter

C't has been the IT authority for more than 20 years. The target group consists of experienced (professional) computer users, who consult C't for both business and private decisions. The target group consists mainly of men between the age of 18 and 65 years.

Inc. 1 post in the newsletter (12.000 subscribers). 
Duration: 90 days + Newsletter + Magazine + Newsletter + Magazine

C't has been the IT authority for more than 20 years. The target group consists of experienced (professional) computer users, who consult C't for both business and private decisions. The target group consists mainly of men between the age of 18 and 65 years.

Inc. 1 post in the newsletter (12.000 subscribers). Inc. posting 1/8 page (90x60 mm) in magazine Edition 10x per year in a circulation of 26.000 copies.
Duration: 90 days De Vereniging Bouw- & Woningtoezicht Nederland is de vereniging voor iedereen die werkzaam is binnen of voor het Bouw- & Woningtoezicht in Nederland.
Looptijd: 30 dagen

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